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BPD Patches

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Our Shoulder Patch
The design of the patch is predicated upon historical and significant events that occurred in the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland. The shield on the patch is the Great Seal of Maryland which was brought over from England during the early days of the Colony. The shield or escutcheon bears the Calvert and Crossland arms quartered. The second Lord Baltimore (Cecilius Calvert) adopted this design with the gold and black of the Calverts in upper left and lower right quarters, and the red and white crosses of the Corssland family (the second Lord Baltimore's maternal forebearers) in the lower left and upper right quarters. Superimposed on the shield is the Battle Monument of Baltimore which is the City's official insignia and commomorates the successful defense of Baltimore from the attack by British forces in 1814.

The History or Story Behind My Site
I have seen some incredible sites created by police officers and for police officers from around the world. It has been a enligthening task of searching the web looking for people to trade with.

My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site’s topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

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